Amid Passing Things

Introduce your assembly to contemporary music, or simply enhance your liturgies with this inspirational collection from beloved composer Curtis Stephan. With a mix of seasonal selections for Lent and Advent, complete recordings of Curtis' Mass of Renewal, as well as pieces for ritual moments, funerals and baccalaureate Mass, Amid Passing Things provides a broad range of songs to inspire your congregation.
First appearing in Breaking Bread and co-written with Grammy-nominated Sarah Hart, "Take Up Our Cross" is a favorite of all ages, while the responsorial psalms "Rest in God Alone (Psalm 62)" and "Go Out, Go Out (Psalm 117)” can be used throughout the year to enrich various moments in the liturgy.
Inspired by the opportunity for renewal through the Roman Missal, Third Edition, Curtis Stephan wrote Mass of Renewal that challenges us to go to new depths of understanding what we celebrate at Mass and transform ourselves into the one body of Christ. Featuring a triumphant, ascending main theme, Mass of Renewal will appeal to both traditional ensembles and contemporary groups.
Packed with some of his most popular songs, fresh titles and an entire Mass setting, Amid Passing Things offers up an incredible sample from one of today's best contemporary songwriters!